Saturday, March 9, 2013

Must I blog?

Spending a day at a writing conference can be both invigorating and frustrating. A big thank you to Shirley Bahlmann and all the authors who taught at WRITE HERE IN EPHRAIM. Everyone says that a blog is a must. I don't take time to "follow" a blog, meaning to read it everyday/week. I look up information and have found some VERY helpful blogs created by writers, agents, publishers, etc. but to read one EVERY day seems unrealic. Maybe once a week but I've never done it.
So I pose to you a this question. Did you read this? Do you read blogs? How often, and what type?  Please help out a curious author.
Happy reading!


  1. There are a few blogs that I love to read. But I admit that I don't visit those blogs until the author post a link and a reminder on facebook. There are very few blogs that I visit w/o a prompt.

  2. Hi, Janet! In an attempt to answer your question, I read sporadic blog posts, usually ones that are referred by others on a particular subject. I'll tell you, though, that after about 3 years of blogging regularly, my counter shows hits of over 100 views per day on some days, especially when I notify my mailing list of something I think will interest them. I'm getting hits from all over the world. I don't think they're all writers, and most days the hits are under a hundred, some days even under 50, but I think it's a cumulative thing. It gives me an Internet presence that shows up on a Google search, and I update it every week. (I don't think much of blogs that show the last post from 5 years ago. Why don't they just take it down?) The feature that saved my life was finding out I could schedule posts. Sometimes I'll write out a month's worth of weekly blogs and schedule them to post, then if I have something happen in the meantime, I'll toss that in mid-week. It can be so therapeutic!
    Best of luck, you talented writer, you!
