A month ago our local high school had their annual junior
prom. Numerous movies have been created about the coveted crowns awarded by
peers to those who are considered most attractive or popular. At this school,
the tradition of a promenade floor show performed by the junior class
continues. Accommodations are made to allow students with special needs to
participate and the "typical" student body has always been supportive
of this. But beyond allowing the students who aren't "typical" to have
a regular high school experience this student body has exhibited a knowledge
that many adults have yet to acquire. The truth about what makes a person
attractive. The boys who were honored may not have been the most physically
pleasing in attendance. This school has previously honored students who were
born with special needs and for continuing this model I offer my praise.
However, they went a step further this year. The ladies that
were crowned were not students with special needs. They were not honored
because they had the most expressive dress. I suspect that their looks had
little to do with this honor either, although they are very pretty. Their peers
had seen the extra time and care these lovely young ladies had taken to help
their male counterparts enjoy the evening. The girls who had CHOSEN to work
with the boys now wore crowns beside them. The extra work to help their
partners be able to participate in this rite of passage hadn't gone unnoticed
or recognized.

As an adult I can affirm that beauty is only skin deep and
what you choose to do is much more important than how you happen to look. You can
not usually control how you look or with what abilities or limitations you are
born. But, only you can choose how you will treat others. Only you can choose
how you will spend the time you have been given.
So, kudos to the Manti
High School class of 2015.
I am proud and humbled by your selfless choices.
Back to the virtual tour next week. Today I gave my bedroom the deep clean and organization that is desperately needed. I still have my prom dress. Would anyone like to see me try it on?