Saturday, April 26, 2014

Living Room

This is a view looking back at the entryway. I love my floor!
Since this is what you see when you first enter my house, I figured we'd start here. Then next week we'll move into the kitchen. The walls are more bare then I'd like but I have a few pictures hung. I want to be sure I put them in the right place so I haven't committed to the rest of them. Patching holes and repainting wouldn't be that treacherous but since I know how much work it was to paint it all in the first place I hesitate. I guess you could say I have commitment issues.

I posted about my coffee table a while back so many of you know the story that I didn't pick it out but it looks as if I did. The lines and color match the couch like they were made to go together.

My railing. I really should have taken a before I stained them picture.

In writing news, my husband is downstairs watching NASCAR while I work on my novel entitled, Married to NASCAR.  I'd like to have it polished and ready to submit by mid summer. I might need a reader to two if anyone is interested, just let me know.

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