Saturday, November 15, 2014

The end, or, the rest of the beginning

Sad, sad news, the book signing scheduled for next Saturday has been canceled. But, I will be getting my copies in the next few days and will be happy to sign a book for you!
HAPPY NEWS: I sold my first copy today! Thanks, Marilynn Halling for always supporting me in all my crazy endeavors!

Drum roll please, here it is, the end, or really the end of the beginning!

             The next morning at work Rosa stopped her. "What did you think of Ned?"
            "He is very nice."
            Rosa squealed.
            "He sent this." Rosa turned the phone to show a text. "Thanks Cuz! I was so stunned by our connection I didn't get her number. Help!"
            Cassandra stood in silence had there been a connection? She enjoyed her time with him but it didn't feel romantic, more friendly.
            "So, should I send him your number or do you want to call him?"
            "I'll take his number, thanks." Cassandra entered the number into her phone and hurried to clock in for work. His comment was flattering but she hadn't felt drawn to him. Had the disappointment of comparing him to Boe or Kenny kept her from seeing him as something else?
            The next morning she had two messages from Bikerdude. One from the night of her date with Boe and another that afternoon.
            "I hope it's something good that kept you from answering me."
            The other message was a continuation of their usual correspondence asking about her plans for Thanksgiving the following week.
            "Sorry, It's been a crazy few days. Crunch time for the perfect Christmas date has
             arrived. The website idea isn't helping me find the man I need. The one date I
             went on met all the criteria on appearance but not on conversation. A coworker
             set me up and he was nice but not the most attractive of men. I hate that I sound
             so superficial but I have an ideal in mind. Maybe I should give him a chance."

            A call the next day from Boe surprised Cassandra and she agreed to meet for drinks. Again the conversation was lacking. On the way home she looked at Ned's number and thought about calling him. Would either of them be better than going alone?
            The next reply to Bikerdude she answered some of his questions.   
            "For Thanksgiving I will be going to my sister's. Ever since we found each other
             we are family. I don't know how I would have gotten through since mom without
             her. As far as the date search. Boe has the looks but not the personality, he works
             at a sporting equipment store, so he won't seem like a catch in that sense either.
             Ned has the personality but next to Kenny he will look less than homely.
             However, he does have a good career finding employee's for bigger businesses.
             That is something, besides I can talk to him. Maybe I'd better call him."

            Cassandra put off calling Ned for a few days. Instead checking for new men on the dating website. Bikerdude didn't send a message for a few days and Cassandra found that she missed them.
            "I haven't talked to you for a while how are things?" Rosa asked as Cassandra came in to replace her.
            "Good. How are you?"
            "I'm asking about with Ned."
            "Oh, I haven't called him yet. I'll be busy for the next few weeks and don't want to start anything."
            "This isn't about that party is it? I know you are looking for a hot date, which Ned is not but I didn't introduce you so that he could be a puppet for your crazy college friend."
            "I know. I sound like a jerk and Ned is a nice guy. He deserves a nice girl. I'll call him."
            "Okay," Rosa filled Cassandra in on work matters then left.
             That evening Cassandra baked the pies she was taking for Thanksgiving the following day. As they cooked she checked her messages.
            Bikerdude gave a brief answer to her inquiry about his plans for Thanksgiving. A normal family meal. Not something Cassandra knew anything about until she had met Anne. His final questions caught her attention.
            "Will you give me your number? I'd like to talk to you tomorrow night."
            Cassandra didn't answer his message. Instead she cleaned her kitchen and checked on the pies multiple times. Between she scoured the dating site. There was little hope of having a date that fulfilled her dreams, great looks and great conversation. She needed someone she had a connection with and in the two weeks until the party there wasn't time. Maybe she should have cultivated her relationship with Ned. There could have been potential if she had tried.
            Once the pies were resting on the counter to cool she prepared for bed. The clock ticked past eleven before she sent the email containing her number. It may have been too late.
            The time with family was great but Cassandra hurried home after dinner, explaining that she had to be to work early the next morning. She had told Anne about conversing with Bikerdude online but didn't go into detail or say anything about the phone call. After recharging her phone she climbed into bed and looked at her phone as much as she did the book in front of her. At ten she checked her alarms and turned out the light, leaving her phone on the pillow next to her. He must not have wanted to speak with her terribly if he didn't call. It took a while for sleep to arrive but it hadn't been long before she was jerked awake by the sound of her phone.
            "What, hello?"
            "I knew I should have waited until tomorrow. Sorry."
            By now Cassandra's mind had returned. "Bikerdude?"
            "Yeah, I'll call tomorrow."
            "I can talk for a few minutes. Tell me about what you did today."
            He shared then asked her to do the same.
            "I'll be really busy with work for a few days so don't stress if you don't hear from me."
            "I work this weekend as well so we'll touch base again in a few days."
            "I'm not sure I can wait that long to talk to you but if I keep busy maybe. Goodnight."
            Cassandra fell asleep holding her phone and had to search for it among her covers to silence the alarm the next morning.
            Every night after work she checked her messages and the dating site. Bikerdude managed to send her one note the following week but didn't call.
            Saturday, with less than a week until the party, Cassandra gave up on finding a date and went shopping. If felt wrong to buy something new for a nondate. She had to look good but her gut twisted knowing it was for Kenny.
            She found a few options and debated, leaving the store empty handed. Her phone rang and she answered.
            "Hey, how are you?"
            Cassandra pulled the phone from her face and glanced at the caller id. This person wasn't in her contacts.
            "I'm sorry I haven't called. The crisis has been averted so now I should be more available."
            "That's great." Cassandra worked to remember this voice.
            "You didn't put me into your phone when we last talked did you?"
            "Bikerdude," Cassandra laughed. "No, I'll have to do that.
            As she walked home they talked. Through dinner they talked. She prepared for bed while they talked.
            "I'd better go it's late," Cassandra finally said.
            "Yeah, I have a busy week coming up too but I'll be coming back into town by Friday evening."
            "Good." Cassandra squeezed toothpaste onto her brush.
            "Did you ever find a date?"
            "Nope, I'll face them both alone, the roommate and the ex."
            "I could come."
            Cassandra dropped her toothbrush. Paste splattered the sink as it hit and continued to the floor.
            "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
            "Do you have a better offer?"
            "I just meant are you well enough?"
            Bikerdude chuckled. "I had a broken wrist, not complete deformity. Although my face did have a little damage. I've gotten used to the scabs myself."
            She answered with silence.
            "I'm teasing, think about it and text me tomorrow. Goodnight."
            Cassandra hung up then cleaned up the mess of her toothbrush.
            Was a face with a little damage better than none at all? The timer on the length of their phone call indicated that the night wouldn't be a waste if he were there. She went to bed trying to decide how to text him yes without sounding over eager. She had no idea what he looked like or even what his name was. In all their communications they referred to each other using their screen name.
            The next day the text was short. "Okay, how will I know you and why have I never asked your name before now."
            "I'll wear a bowtie and find you. Text me with a question you can ask."


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Installment #2

Here is the 2nd part of my pre Christmas Story. The final of the not printed story will follow next week with book signing the following week, Nov. 22nd at Pioneer Book (450 W Center St, Provo, UT ). AGAIN: This is a rough draft.

A couple days later Cassandra again took the time to log into her dating accounted. A message from October 31st wished her a happy Halloween from Bikerdude. A ping indicated that he too had logged onto the sight. They chatted for a while.
            "I'd better go, early day." she sent.
            "Can i get your email"
            "i have a microphone fo it."
            "But it reminds me of 2nd grade to read your messages now." She sent that then quickly added her email address in the next message.
            The following day there was an email for her.
            "As much as I've loved improving my one handed typing this is much better. I must rebuff your comment about second grade though. I usually get to at least third. With no capitalization of anything. I can hit shift and a letter at the same time with one hand but it takes a lot longer. I'd hate for you to log off while waiting for me to capitalize. Auto correct only catches some of them. So tell me about where you grew up."
            Cassandra sat to type her reply.
            "Yes it is nice to see you spelling words correctly with capitals and everything. I don't know for sure if you know how to spell them or if your computer does it for you but I guess I shouldn't judge a man solely on his ability to spell, although I did decide not to vote for a candidate once because he spelled a lot as one word more than once in his voter information. Was that wrong?
Mom and I moved a few times but we settled here when I was fifteen and I've stayed ever since. My favorite place was this little house we rented for a couple years in the country. We even had chickens.
            What about you?"

            The ping of his reply came while she brushed her teeth.

            "Me? No, no chickens but I spend a lot of time in the country. I'm staying here while I recover. There are times I think it might have been fun to move, usually after I'd been dumped, but I lived in one house all my life. My parents still live there. You didn't mention a father?"

Her response:  "This is about the same as messaging. I never knew my father. He sent money sometimes. Don't worry, I don't miss him. From the stories my mother told me he was very manipulative. He and his wife separated and got back together more than once. None of us know if my mom was the reason for one of the separations or came along during one. But as soon as she learned he was married she ended it only speaking to him to let him know about me. She was the most amazing woman I've ever known."

           This time his message was back before she could empty her junk mail folder.
            "Mom died about three years ago. Now goodnight."

            The next day Cassandra worked a few extra hours, allowing a coworker to watch her son's championship soccer game. By the time she arrived home she ate dinner and climbed into bed. When she checked her email the following day there were two messages from Bikerdude.
            "I miss you today," was all one said.
            She opened the other one.
           "So sorry to hear about your mom. She must have been a great woman to have you for a daughter. Sometimes I wish I were more like my mom and less my dad. He isn't the unpleasant man your dad must be but he is impatient sometimes and often speaks without thinking. I apologize in advance for when I act impulsively or say something stupid.
What is the most exciting thing that has happened in your life lately?"

            She heated up dinner while she thought what to tell him. He acted as if he knew her already with his comment about her and her mother.

            "Thanks for that complement but you hardly know me. There are times I have regrets too. I try to be the kind of person my mom was and I am in many ways but she was very passionate and let her heart lead. Me, I'm all logic. Especially now.
            "As far as the most exciting thing that has happened in my life lately. How lately? In the last few minutes: The sweet thoughts your comment brought. Weeks: the baby born at the hospital last week. She has Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, which is a rare genetic disorder that causes delays in growth and mental functioning but the parents seem great so she will have a better chance at a full life than some healthy children. Last year...let's not go there, but a little over two years ago I found out that I have a half-sister and now she is my best friend. That was one of the most exciting things in my life."

            After sending the message Cassandra left the computer and shut off her phone. She had to avoid the temptation of staying up waiting for a response. She had a hot date the next day.

            The agreed upon time to meet her date had come and gone. Cassandra sat alone, sipping her second glass of water. The waitress stopped again to see if she wanted anything.
            "Sorry, I guess I've been stood up and I'm not very hungry. How much for the water?" Cassandra asked digging into her purse.
            "Don't worry about it," the waitress gave her a sympathetic smile.
            Fishing a couple ones from her wallet Cassandra called to the waitress wishing she had more cash. She couldn't add a tip to a credit card since she hadn't ordered anything.
            "So what are you going to order?" Just like his picture, a man who matched the cliché of tall, dark, and handsome dropped into the chair across from her. "Sorry I got caught up at work."
            The waitress returned and took their orders.
            "So you're Boe? Your profile said you work in retail.
            "Yep, I'm up for a promotion soon."
            "Congratulations. What exactly do you do?"
            "I work at an athletic store. It's great, when we're slow I can use the equipment. I get paid to exercise."
            "There are times I wish I did, then I might be more motivated."
            "It's all about what you want. You have to want it more than anything else."
            The ice shifted in Cassandra's glass and she picked it up to take a drink. He copied her wiping the condensation from the side of his glass. An appetizer sounded very good right now. If they were eating the silence might not feel as heavy.
            "So, you're a nurse?"
            "Do you like it?"
            "I do."
            Again Cassandra took a drink. The full glass of water she had drank while waiting had hit her bladder. She fought it for a while but gave up. "Please excuse me."
            Cassandra returned from the bathroom to find Boe talking on his phone. Their food came and his conversation ended. They ate in silence for a while, Cassandra racked her brain for interesting topics she could discuss.
            "How did you get into selling sports equipment?" she finally asked.
            In high school I was all-star in three sports so I spent a lot of time and money there. One thing lead to another and I started working after school. I love my job. How many people can say that?"
            "Not enough." Cassandra stopped here. She could have shared that she liked her job. She could even tell him why but she watched as he focused on his food.
            They shared a few other conversations during the meal but nothing of importance.
            "This has been fun. When do you want to go out again?" Boe asked as he put money into the case ignoring the credit card Cassandra pulled from her wallet.
            "How about you give me your number and I'll call you. It could be a little while. I'm working nights next week."
            "That's cool. Whenever." Boe dropped a generous tip on the table and stood waiting for Cassandra to walk out with him. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and left.
            When she got home she checked to see a message from Bikerdude but didn't take the time to open it. She logged on to the dating website and scrolled through. She looked mostly at the pictures not reading much about the men connected to them.
            "Oh yeah, he was cute, gorgeous even but not a strong conversationalist. Let's see if any of these guys can hold a candle to him. He might be the best choice for the party but Margie will eat him alive if we're stuck talking to her for any length of time. Why can't the perfect man be willing to spend just one night pretending to like me. Good looks, and something worth saying." She looked through the candidates again noting that Bikerdude didn't have a picture.
            There were a few guys she looked deeper at but held no excitement about any of them. "Maybe you'll look better tomorrow." Cassandra headed to bed.

            Monday at work Cassandra made the mistake of tell about her boring tall, dark, and handsome date.
            "My cousin Ned is single and very successful. I think he might be just what you are looking for. I planned to meet with him before work tomorrow but something else came up. How about you go instead. I'll text him."
            Cassandra's jaw worked but her voice didn't.
            "I'll tell him one so you'll have time to change before coming in."
            A little before one Cassandra smoothed her jeans over her hips and walked into the cafe. Why had she let Rosa talk her into this. Cassandra scanned the room. If Ned looked anything like a male version of Rosa he would be exactly what she wanted to see. A man wearing a tweed jacket approached her. His light brown hair laid lifelessly on his head. "Cassandra?"
            "I'm Ned. Rosa sent me a picture. Thanks for meeting with me. I've only lived in the city a few weeks and I'm having a hard time meeting new people."
            "No problem shall we sit." They found a booth in the corner and Cassandra debated if she wanted a meal or just a snack. A snack would give an easier escape if need arose but it was past lunch.
            "What do you want?" Ned's voice broke into her thoughts.
            "I'm still thinking. What about you?"
            "The chicken platter. It's my favorite."
            "I'll give that a try then." Cassandra closed the menu and set it on the corner of the table. "Did you move here for work?
            "I started a company three years ago and it's grown so much I needed a larger location and more clientele so I came here in search of both."
            "What kind of company."
            Ned told about the coordinating service he provided for large businesses. He arranged temporary and permanent employees for companies who needed help urgently, arranged travel and other menial tasks that overworked secretaries didn't have time to do.
            The afternoon was pleasant and Cassandra had to hurry to make it to work on time. Ned seemed nice but he was not nearly as attractive as Kenny. She didn't want to show up at the party with a subpar date when Kenny would be there as a basis of comparison.
            If she could take Boe's good looks and Ned's personality she would have found her date. There was less than a month until the dreaded occasion. If she didn't find a date soon there wouldn't be time to develop the relationship past the uncomfortable first stages. If there were the case it would be worse than going alone.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

FREE pre story as promised

Here is the pre story to the 3rd (and final) installment of my Christmas stories. If you are like my husband and frustrated with the neglect shown to Thanksgiving, and Halloween for that matter, with the earlier release date of all things Christmas, don't worry, this part of the story takes place well before Christmas, ending with Halloween.

Please keep in mind this is a ROUGH DRAFT. I've edited it only 3 or 4 times which is far to few but I don't want to keep you waiting! Next installment will follow in a week to be complete before our book signing on Nov. 22nd at Pioneer Book (450 W Center St, Provo, UT ).

Thanks for reading!

Another long day in the hospital. As Cassandra clocked out she thought of Devin. He had been brought in yesterday. The bandages covered his face and his one arm may never heal. No one had been in to see him since his arrival so Cassandra stopped at his room. He was still under heavy sedation.
            The guest chair sat against the wall, Cassandra sank into it's plush comfort not bothering to move it toward the bed. "So how are you today? I hope you aren't feeling any pain." She propped her feet up on the doctor's stool. "If you were a professional athlete you could easily switch to public speaking about motorcycle safety. You will be a great object lesson when you finally get out of here. Doctor Jacobs said that if you push yourself in physical therapy you will probably be able to use your arm for most everyday things but no more competitive sports." Cassandra dropped her feet to the floor and leaned forward. "I'd guess that you were into something athletic. Unless you are one of those sickening people who is naturally gorgeous. My ex-boyfriend is that way. It made me so mad. When we went out to eat I would take one bite of whatever desert he ordered and still gain three pounds. Okay, I'm not that bad, but it feels like it most days. But you have no reason to be concerned about your body image."
            Cassandra stood up and walked over to the window. "I'll stop rambling on and let you get a word in." Here she paused but not for long. "Nothing to say huh? I know we just met, there is no reason for you to bare your soul. Has anyone ever told you how good a listener you are? Kenny, the annoying boyfriend, couldn't listen to save his life. But I blame myself I should have known he didn't see me as more than a shoulder to cry on. That he was good at." Cassandra paused to let out a sigh. "Sorry, I promised myself that I wouldn't keep saying such horrible things about him. It's my fault for letting him in. One of my goals: not let in every loser who comes along. That makes it sound like I've fallen for all the wrong guys, truth is I've only loved one man in my life and now I can't tell you why I ever allowed myself to have those feelings for him.
            "At first I thought he was so special, the way he showered me with complements and flowers. He never did figure out that my favorite bouquet came from the variety of wild flowers, not roses or any of the other gaudy kinds that flower shops push. I learned my lesson, several dates this past year and I've managed to not feel those fatal three words. Go ahead and laugh, everyone else does. Enough about me." Cassandra turned to move toward the bed looking down at the man laying before her. "Why hasn't anyone come to see you?" Devin's chest lifted and fell. The beep of the machine increased slightly and Cassandra looked at it then back at Devin. A buzz in her pocket made her jump. She reached into her pocket and removed her phone. "That's bachelor number nine. My friend talked me into joining this dating site. My old roommate from college, who also happens to be the cousin to Kenny, insists I attend her Christmas party again this year. Reminding me she will carry out her threat from college if I don't attend. So, I've taken the route that many would call desperate. Who knows, maybe I'll find Mr.Right. I am not holding my breath. I'll check in on you tomorrow and tell you all about the dreaded party. Take care of yourself."
            As promised the following day Cassandra went into his room. The heavy sedative should have worn off allowing him to wake but he lay still, the machine beeping next to him.
            Cassandra settled into the chair turning it toward the window. "Oh, you want to hear about my date last night. It was okay, thanks for asking. I don't think he's what I need to take to the party. He doesn't have your build. That sounds so superficial and I'm not usually that concerned about looks but I'd really like an attractive date for this party. Oh, I'm terrible thinking of using a person like that. Maybe I should just do what they do in movies and hire someone. Of course, then the fake couple falls madly in love and everyone learns that they were faking it from the start when he declares his love and she is all shocked. I don't think I care for that much drama. Of course the party will be drama itself."
            "You're probably wondering why go to the party if you think it will be terrible. Margie, my old roommate and I made a pact the first Christmas after graduation that I would attend her Christmas party every year until I married. Then I could come if I wanted. That sounds funny but if you know Margie she is all about the dating game. She loves to be involved in set up. Her party is one big effort to get people together. She told me if I ever broke the pact and didn't attend she would set me up with the worst date she could find." Cassandra stood up and moved to look out across the city. "You actually have a decent view. Most rooms don't even have a window. Well, have a good night, maybe tomorrow you can actually talk to me. Though I'm sure I won't say some of the things I'm saying while you sleep. See ya."

            JoAnna, the nurse working before Cassandra reported that Devin had waken up during the night and she wasn't sure how much sleep he had gotten so when Cassandra entered his room the following afternoon and found him asleep she wasn't surprised. A part of her longed for him to continue his slumber to allow her the open visit she had enjoyed the past two days.
            "Do you work nights or something?" Cassandra asked the sleeping man. The heart machine connected to him didn't beep today. The volume had been turned down since his heart had been steady for the past twenty-four hours. "I should volunteer for a night shift and see if we can actually have a two way conversation." 
            Instead, the one sided conversations went on for the rest of the week. During her shift he would wake but continue to be groggy, as mandatory tests were run. A young intern volunteered to help him with his lunch. It appeared she had a crush on him so Cassandra rolled her eyes and helped the other patients.
            Cassandra knew it was crazy to spend that much time talking to a complete stranger about things she wouldn't tell her friends. Saturday afternoon she finished one of her monologues. "Maybe it's because you're asleep all the time but I feel so comfortable talking to you. It's like I know you." She moved over to the bed, staring at his bandaged face looking for something familiar. His nose was covered as was the entire right side of his face. The bruises on the exposed side of  his face had healed to the sickly yellow stage. "Why weren't you wearing your helmet. They said one was strapped to your bike. It truly is a miracle that you're alive. I hope you make a full recovery. It's my weekend off, so I'll see you Monday." Without thinking about it Cassandra slid her fingers around his hand giving it a squeeze. Had she imagined it or had he squeezed back? She pulled her hand away and shook her head. "I've really got to get a life."

            Monday afternoon Cassandra made her usual rounds stopping in room 331 she tapped on the door before pushing it open. "Good morning, Devin." She entered the room she visited all the pervious week. A young man sat on the bed. A grin spreads across his face. "You aren't Devin."
            "Nope, name's Josh but I can be anything you want." The teenager wagged his eyebrows.
            "Well Josh. What are you in here for?"
            "I laid out my hog."
            "Oh, that seems to be happening a lot lately. I hope you were wearing a helmet."
            "Yep, my brain is safe."
             Cassandra grabbed his chart and skimmed through it. "It says here you wrecked your bike during your paper route this morning and I need to give you the prescribed pain meds so the doctor can set and wrap your finger."
            Josh blushed a deep red.
            "Don't worry big guy, I'll try to be gentle." Cassandra pulled out a blood draw needle and held it up letting the light glisten off the metal. She couldn't stop the smile as the color drained from Josh's face. "Just teasing." She put away the large needle and prepped the correct one before the doctor returned.
            After helping set the finger Cassandra went to the front desk. "Hi JoAnna. Where did Devin go?"
            "Checked out."
            "Transferred I should say. His parents picked him up yesterday."
            "I didn't realize he had parents. A week and nothing then they sweep in and take him home."
            "Not home to a rehab facility. They were out of the country and came as soon as they heard."
            Devin's disappearance haunted her all day. When her shift ended she walked slowly past the empty room and stopped herself from going in to talk to the bed.
            At home she opened her laptop and scrolled through her email. Mostly junk, there was several messages from her dating site. The potential candidates had started to thin since she opened the account a month ago but at least a few new suggestions were present each day. After reading the full profiles on the three potentials for the day she sent one a message and left the computer. Washing her hands and pulling out a carton of ice cream. Dinner could wait, her life was depressing.
            A few weeks passed with her evenings off filled with first dates or looking for first dates. No one measured up to Kenny.
            One such evening she sat at her computer deleting potentials from her list. "It looks like I will be spending this weekend alone. It's probably for the best. Time off might allow me to stop being so picky.
            Another message from the dating site introduced a new profile. "Bikerdude331 has requested a conversation."
            "Biker Dude, really. I wonder if he's 331 years old or maybe that's his address, how original." Cassandra ignored the request and scrolled through the old lists of potential candidates, still nothing. Only two months remained until the Christmas party but she felt the pressure. With that thought she clicked back to BikerDude. Maybe at least he would be big, scaring away any unwelcome comments.
            "Hello, this is Nursemaid88." she cringed as she typed in her handle, bikerdude didn't sound so bad now. A moment later a chime sounded.
            "Hi, how R U?"
            "What are we texting now?" she muttered to herself before tying back. "Fine, U?"
            "bern better."
            "Okay that's it I'm done. Bern better?" She prepared to log off.
            "I meant been. I'm typing with 1 hand."
            Cassandra lifted her eyebrows. "Do I want to know why?" She asked herself while typing that reply. If he didn't like her directness he could leave.
            "Can't use the other for a while, doctor's orders."
            "Sorry, what happened."
            "Mad at now exgirlfried drove crazy..."
            Now the lag time came from Cassandra, what do you say to that? "I hope you make a full recovery."
            No reply came for two full minutes and Cassandra thought he had logged off. Then his message came through.
            "thanks. I hate that i sound like an idiot that takes forever to respond. i'm actually a okay guy."
            "Anyone who says that is usually not." Cassandra argued.
            "I've never said anything like that before. I bet you think I'm a real dork now. I'll just shut up. I've been told that I'm a good listener. What's on your mind?"
            "The last person I felt was a good listener left without even saying goodbye. It made me a little sad."
            "Who was he?"
            "To be honest, I never heard his voice. I work at a hospital where he was a patient."
            "Patient? a captive audience can usually at least pretend to listen well."
            "Ha ha, I thought you were listening now."
            "Sorry go on."
            "There is nothing more to say."
            "Then tell me about something else. Why did you join this dating site?"
            "Duh, why would anyone join? To find a guy. Well I'm guessing in your case it's to find a girl."
            "Any specific guy?"
            "If it were a specific guy I wouldn't have to be here to find him. I'm looking for a date to a Christmas party."
            "In October."
            "It's a long story."
            "I'm listening well reading."
            "You asked for it." Cassandra started typing, telling him about her dear roommate from college. "So in summary, I'm sure my ex-boyfriend will be there since he's her cousin, I'd really like to have someone with me so I don't look like a pathetic reject."
            "Why go at all?"
            "I will not admit defeat so easily. I want him to know he didn't break me and my roommate has threatened to set me up with the least attractive guy she can find."
            "The truth comes out. would you say you're once bitten twice shy?"
            "Funny, I used that expression talking to my patient friend."
            "Oh? when do you usually work?"
            "My shift changes each week. Last week it was afternoons this week I'm on the morning shift. I work one weekend a month. Tonight, I have some things I need to do before an early bedtime. Nice talking to you. It did cheer me up. Thanks."
             Halloween came with it's fun costumes and candy. At the hospital they had a costume parade and displayed the pumpkins they had carved the week before. Cassandra clocked out then went around reverse trick or treating to the patients visiting with those that wanted and leaving treats for those too tired to talk. She arrived home late and went to bed.