Sunday, May 19, 2013

A house by any other name...

Nine years ago my husband and I bought a 3 bedroom 1 bath fixer-upper that was built in 1905. (Yes 1905, not a typo). Many people would say this house is not without it's charms. I would like to ask them what they are? No, really it's been the perfect house. Except for potty training, or trying to hang a dress in my closet, or when my husband nearly knocked himself out as he went into my son's bedroom. There is only one bathroom, which is also a hallway. My closet is so short that my dresses touch the floor. The doorway into my son's room is less than 6 feet tall. But it isn't all bad. I can clean the entire thing in one day and still have time to watch a movie. My children's rooms are really close to mine making the first year of each of their lives very convenient. I only had to stumble about 15 feet in the night. It really is a great house for small children. My children aren't that small anymore.

AND for the good news. We are about to build a new house. The city council approved the building permit. Now just a few more weeks of waiting and HOPEFULLY, we'll be ready to build in June. So this house was sweet but I am really looking forward to more space.
If you have any suggestions please offer them now. I don't want to ever have to build again so your help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks to everyone who has given me advice so far. Much of it has been VERY helpful.
Coming up...The value of dirt.

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