Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ode to summer break

Summer Break why must you tease me with the word break? Why do you make me think that there may be time to just sit and read, or write, or do crosswords or stickdoku? Yes, I can do these things but then there is guilt about the things I am leaving undone with the idea of tomorrow. Yet, tomorrow is another series of tasks that are waiting. They can't be left for much longer since summer break will end and work will fill the hours I dream of spending untethered to responsibility. Why Summer Break? Why must you tease me with the word break?
back deck prepped for painting

As June ended and July began I spent time working on the final big painting projects at my new house. Our first renters moved out July 1st. In mid July a few potential renters appeared and priority shifted back to the old house. The carpet in the bedrooms needed to be replaced. It consisted of carpet scraps nailed to the floor. Yes, you read that right, nailed. The size of nail varied by room. When the former owner ran out of the small finishing nails he switched to 3 inch long nails. In one room the nails did have a few carpet tacks interspersed but scraping the floor only managed to make the ear splitting sound of metal on metal and not remove any of the fasteners. On hands and knees with a hammer one nail at a time (two when placement was strategic) I cleared each floor of carpet, then linoleum that had been buried under the carpet. Good news, the house is in better shape than it ever was while I lived there and our new renters seem to be happy with our choice of carpet. I did finish ALL the exterior painting on our new house before I started that and stairs are finished except for touch up. Hopefully by next month's post I will have finished stairs to show you. With school starting, it better be done.

Clean floor (finally)

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