Saturday, April 13, 2013

A word of praise

Think back to high school. Who won prom royalty the year(s) you attended? Were they good looking? Popular? Vain? Selfish? Many high school movies would lead you to believe that this is the kind of person peers nominate for the prestigious title of prom king or queen.

 This is not the case at all schools. I must praise the students who nominate and vote for those who need this positive recognition. The students who are brave enough to stand up and declare that people are people and have something to offer, even if they aren't "typical." I know a school where this has happened not just once but multiple times. When I hear of events like this I have hope for a great future, with leaders who not only think of themselves but of others. This VERY simple act may change the course of a lifetime. Not only for those who receive the crown, not even just those who award it but for people everywhere who struggle with some limitation. Which really describes all of us. Even with weaknesses, disabilities or inabilities we all have value!

In writing news, this is the cover for the Christmas anthology with my story in it. If you read last years story this one is a companion. If you didn't, it won't affect your understanding or enjoyment. With the support of  wonderful friends I sent $500 to the National Down Syndrome Society last year. This year all profits will be donated to Autism Speaks. Since I've worked in special education for the last seven years I can fully support anything that provides knowledge of how to help those with limitations. Our goal in special ed is to help all students reach their full potential. Their abilities are often greater than their disabilities.

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