Custom Electric is doing a great job with wiring and have been very understanding of my requests. I want what I want and they seem to be able to handle that. My goal is to not be the worst homeowner they've ever worked with.
Hill Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC guys) have also complied to my wishes even after running things differently than approved they moved them without complaint (at least to me).
Of course
rain can still come in the holes that are our windows and doors. those are
being ordered and will be in within a couple weeks. All in all we are still
going rather well. As far as I know still on schedule and should be moving in
by our deadline.
YAY! Roof! YAY!! Progress!
The house is really starting to come together and is looking really nice. I hope everything else in life is going just as smoothly. Maybe one day we will be able to stop by and visit. Take care. Kara Grindstaff